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  • Christian Kitamura

    November 8, 2022 at 12:41 am

    Hi! I’m having my wedding in December 2022! We are having a small ceremony and just dinner at a restaurant so trying to keep things reasonably priced (saving for a big reception later)! Are you looking for DIY fresh flowers vs faux flowers? If you want the fresh flower route, probably best to work with Watanabe Florals but realize that you have to deal with the storage and cooling of the flowers the day before/day of. I don’t know how big your wedding/reception is so not sure if that’s an issue. Another option that was recommended by my venue is Lynn’s Lei shop for good pricing.

    The Flower Bunny (Melody, can find her on instagram) is great and her prices seem reasonable! She’s doing my wedding but she won’t be available in town so she’s actually going to do a preserved flower/faux flower designs for me.

    Hope that helps?