• Angelina

    November 4, 2023 at 4:51 am

    Hello all!!

    My name is Angelina Cannon, just recently married October 15. I have honestly wanted to be a wedding planner since Wedding Planner came out; however, my love for technology and crime shows got the better of me, and I pursued my dream to work for the government first. Well did that, and I absolutely love it; however this has always been my dream, and it was always in the back of my mind. In 2020, my husband and I were to be married in October; however, due to Covid we cancelled our event twice. I am honestly relieved now because within the time of planning, I found Jamie’s channel, and super glad I did because with her help I pulled off the best wedding ever. Did things go wrong that I could have done better. Of course! But guests didn’t notice because surprisingly I stayed calm collected the entire time. Our families received compliments , and it just makes me feel like I can help other couples, from having to go through the process alone as I did. I totally wish I would have had Jamie’s Master Plan to involve my husband more. The calm conversations I could have had with him which is in one of the first few modules!!!

    • I am based in Northern Virginia, and luckily when I leave work I don’t have to continue to do my work and have so much time on my hands to help others out.. I am in the beginning stages of the process, still trying to find out my company name. I am here to learn as much as I can because I believe in community and friendship. I have a degree in criminal justice, and computer information technology with a specialty web development. I have an amazing three year old boy. I am 33, and I absolutely love to travel. Looking forward to chatting with you all!!!!!